Showing Collections: 51 - 60 of 417
Cantus Columbus Records
This collection contains materials detailing the administration of Cantus Columbus, including legal papers relating to its incorporation; logistics of concerts including grant funding, members, details on the pieces played at each concert, and touring information.
Also present are scores for conductor and musicians, and in most cases, recordings of the concerts on cassette tapes and thumb drives.
Carlos L. Dews Collection
Carnegie Library Collection
Carol Ragsdale Collection
This collection consists of research materials collected by Carol Ragsdale concerning schools in Columbus with an emphasis on African-American education.
Carrie B. Quincy Collection
This collection consists of two items, a framed photograph of John Quincy Adams and an issue of the South Carolina Journal of June 20, 1775.
Carson McCullers Society Records
Cary O. Brinson Collection
The collection contains some home movies, including a visit by Gerald Ford to Warm Springs, Georgia and another of the 1938 World's Fair in New York, as well as audio tapes of music performances in Columbus, Georgia, and a few mostly music-related booklets.
CB&T Collection
Cecil A. Darby, Jr. Collection
This collection consists of scrapbooks and loose-leaf notebooks of newspaper clippings covering mainly Columbus-area baseball and basketball games. It also includes information on many high school and college athletic events, including players and coaches.
Centennial Cotton Gin Company Photo Collection
This collection consists of photographs of cotton ginning equipment, plans and models of such equipment, and of the facilities of the Centennial Cotton Gin Company in Columbus, Georgia (1920s-1960s).
In addition to the images of the cotton ginning operations, there is a separate envelop of photographs of Coca-Cola delivery trucks, as well as some of the Columbus bottling facilities of Coca-Cola 1910s-1960s.
1910s-1960s 1 box (1 l.f.)